Machines cannot feel or connect with real humans… is not true in the case of Transformers The Last King. You will be taken for an emotional ride that involves feelings, emotions, and all that signifies and revolves around the terms “caring,” “connection,” “friendship.”
Making a difference in this world or any other world where life is a dominant force is the ultimate calling and self-fulfillment.
Watch It On Big Screen June 23, 2017
This Transformers movie is directed by Michael Bay

Director/Executive Producer Michael Bay on the set of TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT, from Paramount Pictures.
Your heroes are represented well in this movie!
• Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager
• Josh Duhamel
• Sir Anthony Hopkins as an English Lord
• Laura Haddock as Oxford Professor
• Jerrod Carmichael
• Isabela Moner, and
• Santiago Cabrera

Left to right: Laura Haddock plays Viviane and Mark Wahlberg plays Cade Yaeger in TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT, from Paramount Pictures.
Watch some incredible videos of kids talking about their experience watching Transformers! They are insightful and full of wonder. One more reminder to us all to keep our minds and hearts open to any miracles out there.
Watch kids explain Transformers with the help (and voice!) of Optimus Prime himself, Peter Cullen
Kids Explain Transformers: “Gabriella”
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Kids Explain Transformers: “Anything”
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Kids Explain Transformers: “Georgia”
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Kids Explain Transformers: “Vlad”
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Transformers The Last Knight
In Theaters June 23, 2017
Get Excited & RETWEET!
Transformers The Last King – Rethink Your Heroes #HeartThis #Transformers MOVIE!
— Celebrate Woman (@DiscoverSelf) April 15, 2017

Director/Executive Producer Michael Bay on the set of TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT, from Paramount Pictures.